Crossed Legs like a lady

How to Cross your Legs like a Lady

Many women will see this title as a contradiction. This is because strict etiquette says that a real lady does not cross her legs, so it should not be possible to say that a woman can have crossed legs. Well… I live in the real world… The reality is that over 70% of women have crossed legs when sitting. Etiquette and deportment needs to move with the times and be something that is suitable for the 21st-century woman. Women no longer receive the training in their youth to strengthen their inner thigh muscles through keeping their legs close together when […]

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Care for your hands

How to Care for your Hands

Knowing how to care for your hands will keep them in beautiful condition Whether we are aware of it or not, people make judgments on you based on the condition of your hands. People are sensitive to discovering information about people from non-verbal cues. They can deduce if you are disciplined, organized and self-caring by the state of your hands. Dry, unwashed hands with badly manicured nails show a woman who does not have the time or inclination to implement an easy hand care routine.  You can learn how to make your hands look more beautiful by making sure that […]

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First Impressions Matter – How to Make a Good First Impression

Never underestimate the importance of making a good first impression The moment I see her, I get a sense that she is someone special….  Her posture is my first impression, for her form is obvious to me, well before I can make out any of the finer details. She holds herself upright with a straight back and a raised head. I know that only training allows her to keep her shoulders back with effortless ease. She is sitting comfortably with her knees together. I already know that she walks with an elegant grace. I can’t help but admire her already. […]

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