Category Archives: Etiquette

Invitation dress code

Explaining the Invitation Dress Code

It is always lovely to receive an invitation to an event.  It’s even more pleasurable if you know how to dress to the requested dress code. Invitation Dress Code White Tie (Formal) – This is as formal as it gets.  Wear a floor-length evening gown that fits you perfectly (and covers you).  Gloves are preferred, but optional. Black Tie (Formal) – Try to think like a movie start and project a bit of old-fashioned Hollywood glamour.  Traditionally, a floor-length evening gown is required dress.  An elegant cocktail dress is permitted if the event starts before 8pm. Creative Black Tie – […]

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High Tea Etiquette

High Tea Etiquette

High tea is being reinvented. It is a great way for people to make friends and network in a pleasing environment. This should be a time for you to enjoy yourself. Being aware of the etiquette involved in taking high tea will ensure that you can relax without worrying about whether you are showing your lack of knowledge of the correct etiquette skills. High tea is a British invention, and the British love protocol, so it becomes easy to understand why there are rules to correct behavior. They aren’t hard and fast rules, and no one is going to ask […]

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Table Manners – My 8 Top Tips on Dining Etiquette

Do you have a fancy dinner to go to and don’t have time to sift through volumes of material on table manners? Did you feel uncomfortable at an event and don’t want it to happen again? Don’t have the time? Whatever the reason, let me just give it to you straight in one quick, easy lesson.  Here are my 8 Top Tips on Table Manners. 1. Arrive on Time Never arrive early and not more than 15 minutes late. (I know that’s not table manners, but people don’t seem to know this) 2. Off the table Your handbag, phone and […]

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Crossed Legs like a lady

How to Cross your Legs like a Lady

Many women will see this title as a contradiction. This is because strict etiquette says that a real lady does not cross her legs, so it should not be possible to say that a woman can have crossed legs. Well… I live in the real world… The reality is that over 70% of women have crossed legs when sitting. Etiquette and deportment needs to move with the times and be something that is suitable for the 21st-century woman. Women no longer receive the training in their youth to strengthen their inner thigh muscles through keeping their legs close together when […]

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